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Fajok, és alap skillek

Nézzétek el nekem most, hogy nem fordítom le magyarra, remélem tudtok annyira angolul, hogy megértsétek majd. Sajnos idő hiány miatt most nem tudtam lefordítani, de a hírt ki kell rakni 🙂

Szóval most jöjjön pár Faj, és jó pár alap képesség. Katt a továbbra..

CBT1-ben elérhető fajok

Az első 3 fajról már láthattatok képeket a fajok szekcióban, de a többiről még nem. Ha követitek a blogot és elolvastatok mindent, tudhatjátok, hogy az egyik ember találkozott törpe (dwarves) npc-vel (számszerint 2-vel).

Na róluk itt van 2 kép (ezek NEM a játszható karakterek, ezek csak npc-k, de _valószínűleg_ így fog kinézni a játszható faj is, vagy legalábbis hasonlóan).

Törpe nő

Törpe férfi

Most pedig az alap skillek jönnek, angolul.


Fight symbolizes Kyrios, god of destruction. Kyrios concedes victory to those who have faith in him, but is cruel and destructive to enemies. You can use destructive attack skills in a rage to various surrounding enemies at the same time and your attack speed can be temporarily increased to a great extent through haste.

Vandals Slash – 4 consecutive attacks at the enemy
Chyeoolrigi – damages an opponent and raises him from the ground for 1.2 seconds
Gareugi land – damages surrounding enemies and lowers their running speed by 50% for 3 seconds.
Light of her hands – increases attack speed by 33% for 15 seconds.
Hoeohribegi – Knockback attack
Congestion – increases attack speed and damage by 5% for 30 seconds. (also increases running speed, but this isn’t confirmed)


Adamant symbolizes Shatigon, god of wealth. Shatigon has the power to bring wealth and creates impregnable fortress, so strong that even you can get locked up. You can use skills to increase your health and defense or temporarily become invincible, and sometimes protect your mates by switching the surrounding enemy’s aggro to yourself.

Shield hit – hits an enemy with a shield and interrupts casting.
Chiltemyeon Hit – makes the user immune to stun effect and increases defense from 5% to 30% for 15 seconds (not sure whether the % number is random)
Farewell to arms – damages and disarms an opponent for 6 seconds
Increase in life – increases HP by 79 for 20 minutes
Look At Me – 75% chance to taunt an enemy for 5 seconds.
Invincible – makes your character immune to damage for 12 seconds (don’t get too happy – it probably has a rather long cooldown so the tank can’t just spam it)


Death symbolizes Nui, goddess of death. Nui governs the underworld and through her hands helps everyone to rest in peace. You can use the power of the dead to give powerful magic damage to enemies and make them tremble for fear. You can also freely go to death and come back to life by making your soul leave and come back to the body.

Invisible hand – decreases enemy’s cast speed, attack and running speed. The spell is interrupted if the caster moves.
Hell of a window – damages enemies in a 5 meter radius. Roots for one second, ignoring armor.
Revenge of the armor – damages an enemy for 11 seconds ( every 2 seconds)
All Hush – Silences enemies around the caster for 9 seconds.
Feign Death – not sure how this works yet.
Ghost summoning – summons a ghost


Magic represents Aranzeb, the mage who hides rage and sorrow behind his calm face, and has tried to confront an enormous fate. You can use powerful and traditional magic spells such as flare, meteor, and shield. You will have very balanced skills.

Spark clusters – fireball skill
Ice Arrow – damages an enemy and lowers their walking/running speed.
Shield – for 60 seconds creates a shield around a caster. Consumes twice the absorbed damage in manna. (so if the shield absorbed 50 points of damage it uses up 100 points of manna)
Wrath of the bolts – removes gravitation around the caster for 12 seconds (I guess it levitates enemies if they come too close)
Shooting star – meteor skill which stuns an area for 6 seconds.


Romance symbolizes Lucius, the wanderer who has greatest wisdom, but always hides it in his jokes. You can support your mates by singing and playing instruments. You will be needed in combat to increase moving and recovering speeds.

Myeongsanggok of focus – increases target’s intellect by 8 for 20 minutes
Lively march – increases target’s movement speed by 20%
Healing Dances – regenerates hp and mp of nearby party members
Hum of fantasy – not sure what it does yet
Lively extravaganza – increases party member’s attack
Ghostly lullaby – not sure what it does yet


Illusion symbolizes Dahuta, goddess of sea and change. Dahuta grants you wishes, but the truth lies beyond, just like a sweet dream. Instead of giving direct magic damage to enemies, you can disturb or block their attack with weakening skills such as fear, sleep, float, and tie. You can also summon evil spirits.

Mental fracture – damages an enemy and lowers their vigor for 5 seconds.
The hands of the land – damage an enemy and roots them to the ground
Vertigo – lowers running speed and attack speed of an opponent by 50% for 9 seconds.
Bubbles – raises an enemy from the ground in an air bubble
Whispers of fear – puts an opponent into feared state
Summons evil – summons a minion


Will symbolizes Sal, god of portal and sealing. Sal creates portals which open close up so firmly that even legends cannot exist. He controls vitality on his own free will. You can use vitality to give powerful magic damage to surrounding enemies or protect mates from magic damage. You can also seal the opponent’s skills or create portals to teleport.

Teleportation – teleports the caster (and party members?) 20 meters ahead.
Sodeurakjil – interrupts enemy casting
Explosion energy – AoE (Area of Effect) damaging skill
Magic off – Increases resistance to magic
Energy generation – Transfer HP to manna
Roar Magic – AoE DOT (damage over time) skill.


Wild represents Tahyan, the warrior of the meadow who tried to defend the alliance with honesty. You can chase and kill your target through ranged attacks. You can also tame wild beasts.

Dokhwasal – ranged attack (also gives some kind of effect for 9 seconds)
Rise – levitates the caster
Take the beast – tames an animal
Shock Arrow – stuns an enemy for 3.2 seconds
Survival Instinct – increases running speed for 23 seconds and makes the caster immune to fear effect. Constantly consumes manna and hp.
Arrows rain – AoE skill which damages the area for 6 seconds.


Vocation represents the assassin who gave up life for one single vocation, and symbolizes assassination. You can also dash in a breath and attack enemies at long distance. The skills will be very effective in player versus player combat.

Unhealed wounds – damages an enemy once and then adds additional damage in the next 5 seconds. Lowers opponent’s attack speed by 20%
Stealth – hides the caster but lowers his walking speed by 50%
Shadow Strike – attacks an enemy from ‘hide’ state
Healing kisses – heals the caster and has 50% chance to remove a debuff
Quick moves – increases movement speed, dodge (speed*2, dodge *2) and gives an immunity to poison for 15 seconds.
Raided – attacks an enemy from a distance, stuns and gives 140% of additional damage. (assassin jumps at a target from afar)


Love represents the bystander who controls the eons of time and symbolizes Cyprusa, gatekeeper of dreamworld. You can resurrect your surrounding mates or allies, and restore their health by healing. You have the ability to increase the viability of your mates through healing and resurrection.

Light and darkness – regenerates party member’s hp and damages enemies
Vitality like a fountain – regenerates hp for 15 seconds
Love and Friendship – regenerates hp
Resurrection – resurrects a fallen ally (cannot use in combat)
The recovery room – creates a resting room for allies
Nightfall – covers allies in darkness making them invisible to the enemies.

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  1. Lacci
    April 14th, 2011 at 07:27 | #1

    HM Érdekes:) és megint csak az jut eszembe EU terjesztő.
    Vagy össze kellene szedni 100-150 ember akit nem zavar hogy kóreai a játék:),a jó min 50

  2. TokodBokom
    April 14th, 2011 at 07:38 | #2

    3an mar vagyunk az biztos:D

  3. Dakszli
    April 14th, 2011 at 12:33 | #3

    De ha megfigyeled, itt ezen a blogon is csak kb. 5-7 ember írogat.
    Egyszerűen még nem jutott el idáig a játék. Várjuk ki a végét.

    Sokszor hallottam már, de nem tudom hogy mi az az AoE és a DOT.
    Valaki nem tudja, hogy ezek a kifejezések mit takarnak?

    • TokodBokom
      April 14th, 2011 at 16:14 | #4

      En szemely szerint leszarom, hogy hany ember irogat itt. Attol meg zuzom majd koreaba:D De persze ertem mit akartal kihozni a mondandodbol es igen igazad van.

      Laci jol leirta de legyunk pontosak:P

      DOT – Damage Over Time
      AOE – Area Of Effect

  4. Lacci
    April 14th, 2011 at 12:39 | #5

    AoE=olyan skill ami területre hat.
    DOT=olyan skill ami mondjuk 15 másodperci 2 másodper percenkét sebez mondjuk 150 et
    sdzal nem 1 nagyot sebez hanem több kicsit.

  5. Dakszli
    April 14th, 2011 at 17:15 | #6

    Jajj, elnézést, azt hiszem az “írogat” szó hordoz valamilyen lekicsinylő tartalmat.
    Nem azt akartam írni…
    Hanem, hogy még kevésbé ismert itt a játék, ezért nincs még kiadó.

    Lacci köszi a leírásokat.

    • TokodBokom
      April 14th, 2011 at 18:13 | #7

      Nincs miert elnezest kerned. Mindenki azt ir amit akar es midenki ugy ertelmezi ahogy akarja. A tenyek meg tenyek valoban csak par ember irogat ide nincs ezzel semmi baj. Meg mindig jobb mintha ezt is ellepi a sok okos es elkezdik osztani az eszt. Bar a vege ugyis az lesz. De addig is kielvezem hogy en vagyok itt az OKOS es csak en osztom az eszt. Ezt is mindenki ertelmezze ugy ahogy jolesik neki.

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